How to Get Miniature Pinschers to Obey

Getting your miniature pinscher to obey takes a solid training program, practice and commitment. The miniature pinscher is a smart dog breed. This type of dog enjoys pleasing its master and responds well to training. However, like many smaller dog breeds, the miniature pinscher can easily suffer from "small dog syndrome." This syndrome wreaks havoc on many households with small dogs, because the owners do not understand proper training techniques and tend to allow their smaller dogs to rule the house. With early training and consistent rule enforcement, your miniature pinscher will become and remain loyal, loving and obedient.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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      Speak in a firm, authoritative voice when giving your miniature pinscher a command. Show your dog that you control the household. Say "sit" in a firm voice. Use the dog's name when saying the command. This gets the attention of the dog. Repeat commands until the dog obeys.

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      Never back down when giving a command. Do not give up when your dog does not obey a command. Work with the dog until it understands that it must obey before it does anything else. Keep the attention on you. Take away distracting toys. Train your dog in a quiet room. Snap your fingers to bring the dog's focus back to you. Keep your voice firm but do not raise it.

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      Reward your miniature pinscher for successfully obeying you. Give the dog a treat or physical affection. Change your voice when rewarding the dog. Use an excited, happy voice rather than a firm and authoritative voice. Voice changes help the dog understand when you are commanding and when you are praising.