How to Housebreak an Almost Grown Dog

Dealing with a dog not housebroken no matter the dog's age can be frustrating. If the dog is almost grown, you might feel even more frustration. Don't worry; there is hope. Dogs can be house trained even if they are on the cusp of adulthood, although it will take a bit more effort and time than house training your younger puppies.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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      Set a routine with your dog for going to the bathroom. Take it outside every time you come home from work, for example, and don't play with it or give it affection until it has gone to the bathroom.

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      Reinforce your dog positively with treats, affection and playtime every time it goes to the bathroom outside.

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      Create a verbal cue for the dog to know when it is time to go to the bathroom. Dogs will recognize basic phrases if they are reinforced over and over again.

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      Watch your dog constantly. Don't give your pooch the chance to go to the bathroom inside. If you or another watcher can't be around, confine the dog to a small place where going to the bathroom will be unpleasant.