Quick & Easy Ways to Calm a Hyper Dog

Hyperactivity in dogs is among the leading reason why canines are abandoned in shelters. Excessive barking, chewing, digging, jumping on people are behaviors hyperactive dogs display. Puppies are more active than adult dogs and certain breeds, such as Jack Russell terriers, German shepherds or border collies, are also known to be more energetic. Regardless of your dog's age and breed, you can use a few simple methods to calm it down.
  1. Exercise

    • The daily exercise needs of dogs depend on their size, age, gender and the amount of food they receive. If your dog doesn't invest its energy in playing or running, it is likely to develop destructive behaviors and be overly active.

    Play With Your Dog

    • Play with your dog every day for at least 30 minutes. Your dog may be hyperactive because it wants to grab your attention. You should schedule the time when you play, and don't allow your dog to manipulate you. If it sees that the hyperactive behavior makes you spend time with it, your pet will use this trick again. If you ignore your dog, you won't encourage its negative behavior.

    Establish a Routine

    • If your dog is insecure and this is the cause of its hyperactivity, establish a routine you respect. Your dog should have a structured day and eat, walk and play at the same hours. Your dog needs to know that even if you are away (i.e., at work) you return home and will eventually play with it.

    Challenging Toys

    • While you are away from home or working, give your dog toys that challenge it and make it move. Build a labyrinth using cardboard boxes or put some treats in an empty box that your dog can chew to discover the rewards. Regularly change the toys and activities you provide for your dog so that it won't get bored and get other ideas. However, keep your dog's favorite toy because the pet may suffer if you remove it.

    Commands and Rewards

    • Follow your dog's body language. Pricked ears, wide-open nostrils and staring are signs your dog is excited and may become overly active. When you notice your dog is about to start jumping on people or bark, you need to grab its attention and use a command such as "leave it" or "stop." Instruct your dog to sit while you give your command. Reward the pet if it performs as desired. The dog needs to associate your command with the treat.

    Visit a Veterinarian

    • If your dog is not usually hyperactive, but has recently started to bark and jump excessively, see a veterinarian. Your dog may have a medical condition such as a hormonal imbalance or hyperthyroidism. However, if your dog is healthy, don't give it tranquilizers, because they have side effects and do more harm than good.