How to Make a Yorkie Come to You

Making a Yorkie come to you when called is possible with some patience and persistence. Yorkie is short for Yorkshire Terrier, a miniature dog breed with plenty of spunk. Your Yorkie needs training to begin at an early age so start calling your Yorkie by name as soon as she joins your family. Allow your Yorkie to explore the yard on a leash or pet line, then let the command training get underway. Be consistent and your Yorkie should soon learn to come to you when called.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog collar
  • Dog line, up to 30 feet in length
  • Dog treats
  • Dog leash
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      Place a collar on your Yorkie. Attach a long pet line to the collar. Allow your Yorkie to walk around the yard for a few minutes as you hold the opposite end of the line. Call your Yorkie's name in a clear, cheerful voice, followed by, "Come!" or the designated word you choose to use to call your Yorkie.

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      Tug gently on the line, easing your Yorkie toward you in a slow, but steady manner. Tug again if your Yorkie does not initially respond. Watch as your Yorkie approaches and tug if he stops along the way for anything, continuing to call his name in a friendly manner and state, "Come!" so he becomes familiar with the command. Back up a couple steps as you issue the command so your Yorkie will sense an opportunity to chase and be more responsive.

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      Praise your Yorkie as he approaches you as waiting until he has reached you to offer praise is ineffective. Speak in a high pitched voice and squat down, offering comments such as, "Good, boy!" Reward your Yorkie with a treat, such as a small dog biscuit.

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      Repeat training session daily. Incorporate a leash into the training routine. Ease off the tugging on the leash or line to allow your Yorkie to respond only to your voice. Use the same command word each time. End each training session with the same treat.