How to Keep Male Dogs From Marking Their Territory Indoors

Male dogs use urine as a signal and a means to claim their territory. Urine contains pheromones, which send signals to other dogs and announce sexual availability. Dogs tend to mark their territory even if they live indoors, and this is more common in multi-dog households. You can prevent your dog from marking its territory indoors, but you need to differentiate between marking and incontinence or urinating due to a medical condition.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleaner or vinegar
  • Dog repellant
  • Double-sided tape
  • Pads
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Clean all areas that your dog marked with urine. Dogs are likely to return to the marked spots and urinate again. Eliminate the scent using diluted vinegar or bleach. If using bleach, keep the dog away from the area for 12 hours, so it won't lick the toxic material.

    • 2

      Spray a commercial dog repellant on the previously marked areas, so your dog won't be tempted to return. Place double-sided tape around the areas your dog sprays on. The pet won't like the sticky surfaces and will avoid the areas.

    • 3

      Train your puppy to urinate on pads or outdoors. Encourage it to urinate only in the designated areas and reward it when urinating in these areas.

    • 4

      Establish a leader position, because your dog is less likely to mark its territory if it sees you as the leader of the pack. Feed your dog at times you choose and don't allow the dog to jump on your bed or chair, which makes your dog your equal.

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      Neuter your dog as early as possible. This reduces the risk of spraying behavior.

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      Use a whistle or spray some water on your dog when you notice it is about to spray. This startles the dog and it stops from spraying. If you apply this treatment several times, your dog will associate the unpleasant noise or the water with spraying and should avoid marking its territory.

    • 7

      Ensure that you walk your dog frequently, so that it can urinate outdoors. If you fail to take your dog outside to urinate, it may not be able to hold it in and will urinate indoors.

    • 8

      Have your pet checked by a veterinarian. Dogs that have a urinary tract infection or incontinence don't have control over their bladders and urinate indoors, even if they have been housebroken.