How to Potty Train a 5 Month Old Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are popular family pets. Generally, they have an easy, friendly temperament, though they need plenty of company, exercise and early training. At 5 months old, your Cocker Spaniel is almost fully grown, and ideally should already be toilet trained. However, if you have just acquired it, you should still be able to house train your pup but be patient and expect it to take a little longer, as your pup will already have developed some bad habits. The Cocker Spaniel is an intelligent animal, though it is also a breed that can take time to toilet train. Consistency and patience are the keys to dealing with this problem.


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      Ensure your puppy has plenty of exercise and establish a regular feeding routine. Expect toilet training to take a while and confine your puppy to a small area of your house, for a while, to avoid accidents all through your house. Cover the floor in this area with polythene and newspaper. Set aside a small part of your garden that your puppy can use as a toilet area.

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      Teach your dog to respond to about 10 key words or phrases. The dog should, for instance, respond appropriately to "Come" or "Sit." Take your pup outside first thing in the morning and after eating. Initially, you need to take your pup out to the toilet area about every hour. Use a specific phrase, such as "Go toilet," each time. Stand and wait. Praise the dog if it responds appropriately.

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      Repeat the toilet training routine rigidly. Ask other members of the household to take on this duty sometimes, as you want the dog to associate toileting with the phrase and the place, rather than just your presence. As the puppy becomes less prone to accident, take it outside slightly less frequently. Eventually, you should be able to just let the dog go out on its own.