How to Train a Peke A Poo

A Peke A Poo is a cross between a Pekinese and Miniature Poodle. It is sometimes called Peek A Poo or PekaPoo. It is a friendly, loving dog that is known to be good with children and families. This breed has become more popular due to the poodle characteristic of non-shedding fur. It looks different than a poodle, however, with flat faces and soft fur. A Peke A Poo is small and can be stubborn. This stubborn streak has led owners to seek advice on how to train a Peke A Poo.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Newspaper
  • Toys
  • Small dog treats
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  1. Socialization

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      Take your Peke A Poo on walks as many times a day as you can. Peke A Poos are extremely protective of their owners and will bark at any stranger or situation they aren't used to.

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      Introduce your dog to strangers while out. Allow others to pet and talk to it so it learns that other people are alright. Socializing a Peke A Poo is necessary since its temperament is territorial. This will help decrease aggressive behaviors.

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      Invite guests over frequently so your puppy is used to others being in its house. Part of its territorial nature is to bark at anything threatening. A stranger in its own house causes a lot of anxiety for a Peke A Poo. The more it sees others in its home, the less barking you will hear.

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      Enroll your dog in an obedience school if desired. It will learn basic commands and will get social experience with other animals. Other animals are another trigger for a Peke A Poo's territorial nature. It is a natural barker; bark collars are not recommended for this breed as barking is part of its natural behavior.

    Potty Training

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      Determine which areas of the house you want to contain your puppy for a few weeks. Only let your Peke A Poo puppy in a couple rooms so that it isn't making messes all over the house. It can slowly integrate into the rest of the house as it is trained.

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      Lay out newspaper in the areas you want your puppy to use the bathroom. It's not realistic to expect a puppy to go outside right away.

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      Move your Peke A Poo to the newspaper immediately if you see it going on the floor. Praise it when it uses the newspaper on its own. After it has finished, take it outside to remind it where the potty actually is.

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      Set up a schedule to take your puppy outside. Every 1 to 2 hours is ideal for potty training. When you see your Peke A Poo go potty outside, give a lot of verbal and physical praise. Peke A Poos will respond much faster to positive praise instead of punishment.

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      Remove the newspaper after a few weeks to allow the Peke A Poo opportunities to tell you it has to potty. It will most likely begin jumping up and down near you or in front of the door.

    Playing and Commands

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      Provide toys for your Peke A Poo to play with in your absence. It becomes attached to its owners quickly and may experience separation anxiety after a few hours. If it has a favorite toy to keep it company, this may help with anxiety.

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      Train your Peke A Poo to follow simple commands like sit, stay and come, with treats. Begin by physically putting its body in the command you want and feed it a treat while praising. It may take days before your puppy catches on. Teach one command at a time.

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      Give a treat each time it follows a command. Once the Peke A Poo is consistently following commands, taper the number of times you offer a treat to once a day.