How to Train a Dog to Greet Guests

Dogs can develop habits that humans find irritating. It is usually the owner's rather than the dog's fault. It can be endearing when your puppy gives you an exuberant greeting. However, when the dog is grown and the person it is greeting is in his best clothes, the habit of jumping up is not so charming. It is unfair to get angry with the dog for doing something that has previously been rewarded with smiles and affection. The dog cannot distinguish between the times this greeting is welcome and the times it is a nuisance, so you need to train the dog to never jump up as a greeting.


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      Spend plenty of time with your pet, building a good bond and give it plenty of stimulus and exercise.

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      Enter the house and greet your dog in a low-key manner. If it jumps on you, it is likely to jump on visitors. When your dog rushes to you and jumps, tell it firmly, "Down." If it persists in this behavior, cross your arms and turn away from the dog. Leave through the door. After a few minutes, come back in again. When the dog is calm, reward it with attention, bending down to stroke and talk to it.

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      Ask all your family members to reinforce your dog behavioral training by reacting in the same way when the dog jumps up on them. If possible, tell your guests that you are training your dog and ask them to ignore the dog until it calms down. You may find it helps to ask a friend to ring the doorbell and come in, several times, reinforcing your training in this way.