How to Deal with a Hyper Bulldog

The English Bulldog, commonly known simply as a bulldog, is a small, sturdy breed. These tough little dogs are gentle but stubborn. Bred to fight and bait bulls in arenas, bulldogs are low to the ground and have tough bodies to avoid injury from angry bulls. Bulldogs usually have lazy, docile personalities. However, young bulldogs naturally have higher levels of energy than adults. Some adult bulldogs may also behave in a hyper manner when under stress.


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      Walk your bulldog once a day. Bulldogs have naturally less energy than some breeds, but they still require the physical and psychological exercise a walk provides. Walking with your bulldog by your side teaches your bulldog to trust and respect you.

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      Greet your bulldog when you enter your home in a calm manner. Always speak in a calm voice to your bulldog, especially when reprimanding it. Bulldogs react to peoples' energy; a high-energy atmosphere can create a high-energy, hyper bulldog.

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      Spend time with your bulldog every day. Bulldogs require human companionship and may act destructive and hyper if they are lonely. Grooming and petting your bulldog can deepen your bond.

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      Feed your bulldog a healthy alternative, low-carbohydrate food regularly. Processed dog food containing food coloring and high amounts of carbohydrates give bulldogs a burst of energy rather than muscle-building protein and vitamins. Organic dog food is an option, as are raw diets available at pet food stores.

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      Introduce your bulldog to other dogs in a calm, safe atmosphere. A socialized bulldog will behave better around animals and people.