How to Get Your Dachshund to Behave on a Leash

The dachshund is a breed of German descent and is available in two sizes: standard and miniature. The hair of a dachshund may be smooth, wire or long. Dachshunds are hunting dogs and have a strong sense of smell. Training your dog may be difficult because it may get distracted by movement or various smells. Walking on a leash is among the first things you need to teach your dachshund.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Harness (optional)
  • Treats
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    • 1

      Hook the leash to the dog's collar. Play with your dog while doing this, so that the dog associates the leash with a pleasant experience.

    • 2

      Hold the leash in your right hand, with your dog on your left side. Look straight ahead.

    • 3

      Start walking with your left foot, keeping your dog on your left side. Always begin with the left foot, so that your dog understands this is a signal it should start walking.

    • 4

      Allow the dog to walk at its pace. If you notice that the leash tightens and the dog hurries ahead or is distracted by a sound or smell, stop walking and pull the leash toward you. Allow your dog to stop, and then praise it or give it a treat. Pull the leash whenever you want your dog to stop.

    • 5

      Start walking again with your left foot first.

    • 6

      Repeat the start and stop process several times in a five-minute interval.

    • 7

      Introduce the command "heel" as soon as your dog walks on a leash as it is supposed to.