How to Introduce a Retriever to Live Birds

The name "retriever" says it all, these dogs are made to retrieve, and that is exactly what they will do if taught correctly. Many hunters bring retriever dogs along with them on bird hunting trips. When the hunter hits the bird, the dog will run to collect it, and bring it back to the owner. With this in mind, it is very important to introduce retriever dogs to live birds when the dog is small, in order to prevent them from reacting in a manner that is less than pleasing when bringing them on real hunting trips.

Things You'll Need

  • Yard or Open Field
  • Shovel
  • Eight Foot Pole
  • 30 Feet of Fishing Wire
  • Live pigeons
  • Retractable Leash
  • Local game farm
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  1. Setting up pigeon poles

    • 1

      Choose an area in your yard or in an open field, and dig holes to secure the eight foot poles.

    • 2

      Place an eight foot tall pole in the hole that you have dug, and secure it by placing the dirt back around the hole.

    • 3

      Tie fishing wire that is at least 30 feet in length securely around the bottom of the eight foot poles.

    • 4

      Using the other untied end of the fishing wire, tie one of the pigeons legs to the wire so that the pigeon is secure, but can move around.

    • 5

      Repeat these steps for however many poles you will use.

    Introducing the Retriever to the Pigeon

    • 6

      Secure the retriever by using a retractable leash.

    • 7

      Walk with the retriever to the backyard or field where the eight foot poles are set up.

    • 8

      Allow the retriever to find and interact with the pigeons.

    • 9

      Unleash the dog after he or she seems comfortable, and allow him to interact with the pigeons by sniffing, chasing, nipping at and trying to catch the tied pigeons.

    • 10

      Continue this process until the retriever begins to understand and interact with the pigeons in the nature and work in which he or she was bred to do - retrieving birds.