How to Train a Papillon Dog

Papillons are lively, energetic dogs that are easily trained to do basic commands. Their general nature is easygoing and eager to please, so take advantage of their natural obedience and train your dog when it is still young for the best results. Daily exercise, regular grooming and good nutrition will keep your pet healthy and able to learn appropriate behavior and how to walk on a leash.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar
  • Leash
  • Small bits of dog food (kibble)
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      Start your training when your dog is still a young puppy -- ideally soon after you bring it home from the breeder. Early training will help your dog understand that you are the leader in the home and that you are in charge. Focus your training on rewarding good behavior.

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      Attach a collar to your Papillon when you bring it home. Venture outdoors on a daily basis with a leash attached. Daily exercise is a must and getting your pup leash-trained as soon as possible is necessary. It will soon become accustomed to the feeling of a leash. Hold the leash with a firm grip but allow the leash to relax at your side as your dog accompanies you on walks. If it travels too far away from you, guide it gently back to your side with a gentle tug.

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      Socialize your pup with exposure to other people and pets. Invite friends and family members to your home on a regular basis when your dog is young and encourage them to pet and interact with your Papillon. This will help it remain calm when company is over and may lessen the chances that it becomes nippy.

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      Teach your dog to sit by pressing down on its rump with one hand while staying, "Sit," in a firm voice. When it is sitting down, give it a small piece of its kibble and praise your dog. Try this for a few sessions per day. Your pup will soon learn to sit for a piece of kibble with only a voice command. Eventually you can cease the food reward and it will sit for your praise and recognition.