Why Are Chihuahua Dogs So Hyper?

Recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1904, Chihuahuas are named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua where they were first found. Chihuahuas are classified as companion, toy dogs. The AKC describes the breed as spirited, intelligent, alert and confident but not hyper. The source of hyper behavior in any dog breed can be rooted in a variety of areas. For prolonged hyper behavior, talk to your veterinarian about possible health issues.
  1. Are You Paying Attention?

    • When you pay attention to a hyperactive Chihuahua's behavior, the dog learns that being hyper is the way to go. The dog misbehaves and gets attention. If you are not the first human companion for the Chihuahua, the behavior could have been learned earlier in the dog's life. Try completely ignoring the hyper behavior of the Chihuahua to see if the dog gets the idea. Make no eye contact. Don't touch the dog. Don't respond with your voice. Make sure to give the dog attention when its behavior is not hyper.

    Pet Tricks

    • A hyper Chihuahua might need a job. You can put the dog's hyper energy toward learning tasks, jobs and tricks. The hyper energy might just need to be redirected toward something structured, such as learning to take a toy from one part of the room to another or to put a toy in a basket. The task or trick should have a process in it because Chihuahua's are smart dogs. You can reward your dog for completing the task as a way to reinforce any behavior other than hyperactivity.

    Time for a Walk

    • A hyper dog may be letting you know that it needs more exercise. Although Chihuahuas are small dogs and are not known for needing long walks, any hyper dog might need to take a long walk on a leash. Overactivity at home might just mean the dog needs more exercise on a regular schedule. Take the opportunity to teach the dog proper leash-walking behavior as another way to positively direct the Chihuahua's energy.


    • Dogs often mirror the energy of their owners. The way you are feeling or behave can affect your Chihuahua. If there are arguments or worries in a its human companion's life, the dog may absorb that. When humans are nervous or anxious, their body language displays this whether they are aware of it or not. Your tone of voice could even set off your dog's behavior. If you are stressed, your dog may sense it and become hyper, thinking that you want the stress.