How to Get a Cocker Spaniel to Stop Begging

A cocker spaniel can be a good companion for you and your family, but unless you start training the dog to not beg from the moment you bring it home, it will likely whine and beg at your feet for food and attention. Because this can be irritating and embarrassing if you are trying to entertain guests or train the dog, teaching the dog not to beg requires effort on the part of all family members. This training period may last several weeks, depending on how responsive your cocker spaniel is to its training.


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      Do not give your dog food in an attempt to satisfy it or make it stop begging. Giving food would be a reward for the bad behavior that you are trying to stop.

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      Do not pay attention to your cocker spaniel when it begs from you. This includes avoiding eye contact and not petting it when it's begging.

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      Feed your dog its own food during mealtime so that it doesn't beg for food from you. You may wish to give it food in a separate room. If you cannot feed your dog at the same time that you eat, give it a toy to play with to keep it distracted.

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      Keep your cocker spaniel in its kennel during mealtime if it persists in begging from you.

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      Maintain the strict rule of not giving in and rewarding the dog with treats or positive attention while you are training it not to beg. A slip-up during training can revert your dog back to its old ways of begging and make the process more difficult to complete.