How to Persuade a Dog to Use a Doghouse

A dog's house must be as appealing to him as your favorite room is to you. To entice him to use it, make the doghouse as inviting as possible, using positive reinforcement as described by canine trainer Brenda Aloff. In "Positive Reinforcement: Training Dogs in the Real World," she says the most effective way to teach your dog a behavior is with positive reinforcement instead of punishment. Your dog must view his doghouse as a rewarding place he wants to be.

Things You'll Need

  • Washable dog bed
  • Water bowl
  • Food bowl
  • High-value treats
  • Dog toys
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      Put the doghouse in a location that is out of the elements and in a safe place, such as against the house. Place the house so the dog can easily see out of the doghouse door. The doghouse should be large enough for the dog to stand and move around in, but not too large.

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      Put a comfortable, washable dog bed or rug inside the house. If the house is outdoors, select a bed that is waterproof but on which the pup will be cool in the heat and warm when it's cold.

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      Put some of the dog's favorite toys inside the house.

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      Encourage him to explore his new house by placing a treat at the door of the doghouse. Don't force the dog to enter or speak harshly to keep him there.

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      Place several treats inside the house once the dog is interested. Don't make him remain in the house. It will take several training sessions to make the house a place he wants to be. Add lots of praise and pats when he enters the house.

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      If you spend time near the doghouse with your dog, he may get used to using it.

      Praise the dog and offer a treat each time he approaches the house. Sit beside the house to let him know you are there with him.

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      Begin feeding him there. Place his food bowl inside the doghouse, and serve all his meals there. If he doesn't want to enter the house for his food at first, place it just outside the door for a day or two, then move it gradually inside the doghouse.

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      Allow him to go in and out as he likes, feeding him inside regularly, if the doghouse is in the dog's play area or yard. Keep a bowl of fresh water inside as well, or just outside the doghouse door. Continue to praise the dog whenever he enters the house.