What Do I Do If My Dog Is Scared of Other Dogs?

A dog being scared of other dogs is usually the result of previous traumatic experiences. If your dog exhibits this type of fear, he probably had issues with other dogs as a puppy. Fortunately, there are techniques that can change your dog's behavior and help him become a well adjusted pet.
  1. Calming Influence

    • One of the best ways to alleviate your dog's fear is for you to remain calm around other dogs. In general, dogs pick up on their owner's behaviors and emotions. That's why if you act relaxed, your dog should sense it and hopefully copy your behavior.

    Gradual Exposure

    • The process of gradual exposure to a threatening stimulus should also help your dog overcome his fear. This can be done by walking him in a public place like a park with other dogs. Initially, you should keep a considerable distance away from other dogs. Usually, 20 feet should be sufficient at first. Then, gradually bring him closer to other dogs each time you walk by. Repeat this process and keep bringing him closer until he gets more comfortable.


    • When a dog experiences irrational fear of other dogs, it's important to get him socialized as quickly as possible. The sooner you work on the problem, the sooner your dog's behavior should improve. To begin this process, you should arrange a meeting with another dog and his owner in a quiet place. Keep both dogs on their leashes initially; then let them off their leashes for two or three minutes. Afterward, put both dogs back on their leashes. Repeat this process on a consistent basis while leaving your dog off his leash for increasingly longer periods of time.

    Training Classes

    • If your dog is still displaying irrational fear toward other dogs, it's usually best to enroll him in a training class. A professional dog trainer should be able to understand your dog's thought process and get him over his fears. This is also an effective way to socialize your dog within a safe, structured environment.