How to Train a Doberman to Like Cats

Many breeds of dog, including Dobermans, are aggressive toward cats and other animals. Though some dogs can be vicious, others may simply be acting on their natural instincts. Dogs in general are naturally hunters and instinctively will chase cats. However, through testing a Doberman's attitude toward felines and through obedience training, owners may be able to introduce their Dobermans to cats and get positive or at least passive reactions.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash and collar
  • Cat
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Place a collar and leash on your Doberman. If your dog has never worn a collar and leash before, it is important that he is given the time to adjust to them and to learn basic commands. Check the collar to make sure that it is tight enough that it will not slip off of your dog's neck, but not so tight as to choke him. You should be able to slip no more than two fingers under the collar.

    • 2

      Lead your Doberman up to a cat and leave some slack in the leash. If you keep it on too tight of a leash, it may lunge for the cat. Watch carefully as your Doberman investigates the cat.

    • 3

      Yank your dog back on its leash if it lunges for the cat and tell it, "No cats," in an authoritative voice. Then tell it to come and call it by name. Feed your Doberman a treat for obeying you and praise it.

    • 4

      Allow the dog to approach the cat again. It may lunge for it, or it may sniff the cat, which is a natural response. If the cat runs or paws at your Doberman, your dog may respond by trying to chase it. Again, tug the leash and tell the Doberman, "No cats." Then call it by name and tell it to come to you. Feed it a treat for obeying. Continue doing this until your Doberman no longer lunges for the cat.