How to Use a Shepherd's Whistle

Shepherd's whistles enable dog owners to communicate with and train their dogs through various whistle pitches and sounds. The Shepherd's whistle is a variable-pitch whistle that can help trainers give various commands by adjusting tongue placement to alter the information being passed to the dog. Police dogs are often trained with whistles so they can understand commands quickly and from a far distance. Learning how to use a Shepherd's whistle can be the first step to a well-trained dog.


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      Place the whistle in your mouth. Adjust the whistle so the tab is facing up or down, not sideways.

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      Hold the whistle firmly with your lips, not with your teeth. Make sure your lips close completely around all sides of the whistle so no air can escape.

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      Place your tongue against the back of the whistle to prevent air from going under the whistle. Allow air to pass only through the top hole of the whistle.

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      Blow on the whistle with short breaths. Move your tongue up or down to adjust the sound of the whistle.

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      Incorporate hand or voice signals while training your dog to accustom it to the sound of the whistle.