How to Get My Dog to Use Piddle Pads

Dogs need outside space not only to run and play, but to go to the bathroom. As more and more people move to apartments in cities, there is less and less space for dogs to do their business. For those who don't have backyards or spend long hours away from home during the day, Piddle Pads, absorbent pads designed for dog urine, might be the solution to the lack of available real estate for piddling.

Things You'll Need

  • Piddle Pad
  • Garbage bag
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      Place a Piddle Pad that is around 3 to 4 square feet diameter in a corner of the home that is not near the dog's sleeping or eating area.

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      Cover the area beneath and around the Piddle Pad with a garbage bag until the dog uses the product without having accidents.

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      Take the dog to the Piddle Pad after every meal, whenever the dog drinks a significant amount of water, after nap-time and after exercise. If the dog begins to sniff the floor, pace around the room or act in a way that suggests it needs to use the bathroom, take it to the Piddle Pad.

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      Praise the dog with encouraging, pleasant words when it uses the Piddle Pad correctly. Give firm, warm commands such as "do your business," "go potty," or whatever command you choose. Petting the dog and giving it treats after it successfully uses the product is helpful in forming positive experiences with the Piddle Pad.

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      Lead the dog back to the area if it walks away before using the Piddle Pad. Be consistent and firm with keeping the dog on the pad until it goes to the bathroom.