How Do I Potty Train My Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier?

Soft-coated wheaten terriers are great companions, but are known for being hard to train. Because this dog breed is sensitive to punishment, it typically becomes defiant during training. When training your wheaten terrier, choose a method that focuses on rewards instead of punishments. Positive reinforcement is the best way to train your dog effectively as you will teach your wheaten terrier to trust and listen to you. The key to potty training your wheaten terrier is to be consistent and attentive.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
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      Give your dog a potty spot. As soon as you come home from work, take your dog to an area in the yard that you would like it to use as a bathroom spot. Be consistent with this. Take your dog to this area every time you return home or every two to three hours when you are home. By taking your dog to the same spot over and over when it needs to go to the bathroom, you will teach it that this is the area to use for going potty. Do not play with your wheaten terrier in this area as this may confuse your terrier into thinking that it is an area for play.

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      Reward your wheaten terrier. Wheaten terriers learn through positive reinforcement. As soon as your dog goes to the bathroom outside, give it affection. Pet and praise it, and even give it a dog treat every so often. This will show the dog that it is pleasing you, and is following the rules that you have established. Be consistent with this behavior, praise it every time it accomplishes the task so that it knows this behavior is expected.

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      Get your wheaten terrier's attention. As they are generally a stubborn breed, you have to be aware at all times regarding house training when you first start. Watch your terrier for signs that it needs to go out. This can include whining, walking in circles, excessive sniffing toward the ground and even running toward the door to the outside. If your dog makes a mess in the house, say "no" firmly and loudly to the dog. Do this as soon as he starts to go inside. Dogs have a very short memory and after several seconds it will have no recollection of going to the bathroom in the house. If you don't see the dog make the mess, don't punish it when you do discover it.

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      Put your dog in a crate when you aren't home. This confined area will become your wheaten terrier's bed and even safety spot. If it makes a mistake once, it isn't likely that it'll do it again as it won't want to sit in its own filth. Wheaten terriers are very intelligent, and they are able to distinguish a bed area from a restroom area. Like most creatures, dogs designate the two.