How to Train an Australian Heeler

Effective and consistent training of an Australian Heeler (also known as an Australian Cattle Dog, Hall's Heeler, or Queensland Heeler) is critical to both the owner and the dog's well-being and satisfaction. This breed of dog is not recommended for either first-time dog owners, or owners who cannot devote a lot of time and energy to it. As such, training a Heeler should not to be taken lightly and is not a "one-time" event. Training of this highly intelligent breed lasts the dog's lifetime, yet the rewards are numerous and well worth the effort you put into him.


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      Start training your Australian Heeler at a very young age and teach him the basic commands of "sit," "stop," "go," "come back" and "no." Heelers are extremely intelligent dogs and learn quickly. When training your puppy, use a cheerful but even-toned voice, be firm and consistent when issuing commands, and reward him only when he has mastered a task.

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      Teach the Heeler early on about alpha-status and let him know that you are the boss. This breed of dog is very stubborn, independent, curious and at first, suspicious of people and situations until he has "checked" them out. However, it's critical that he knows you are his master and that you control him and not vice versa.

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      Exercise your Heeler daily. This breed of dog is meant to work long and very hard (he was intended to herd cattle), but if he is a pet in a suburban area, it's imperative that you have the time to take him swimming, running, or even get him involved with agility training. With a ton of energy (both mental and physical) the Heeler is not happy unless he is working, moving and being challenged daily.

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      Keep your heeler well-rounded and exposed to lots of stimulating activity for his mental well-being. Heelers are not good dogs for those owners who work full-time or have little children whom the dog will nip at and chase. Instead, Australian Heelers are meant to be challenged mentally as boredom and a lot of alone time can end up in the destruction of household goods. Left alone in a yard for hours on end can result in holes as this breed is notorious for digging and even escaping.