How to Stop a Coton From Barking

A Coton de Tulear, or Coton, is a breed of dog with soft, cottony fur and a vibrant personality. They are happiest when venturing to new places and meeting new people. Cotons are also protective watchdogs, sometimes a little too protective. Cotons have a reputation of being incessant barkers when a stranger comes to the door. Fortunately, Cotons are people-pleasers an easily trained. A few changes in the way you react to his protective nature will bring the barking to a minimum.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate, proper size
  • Bag of loud coins
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  1. Barking Related to Anxiety or Boredom

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      Take your dog to meet new people and see new places with different sounds whenever possible.

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      Play with your dog often to enrich the bond between the two of you and keep things exciting for him.

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      Go for walks with your dog and spend quality time with him to keep him happy.

    Barking When a Stranger is Outside

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      Teach your dog a quiet command, such as saying "stop" or "quiet."

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      Give the quiet command when you want your dog to stop barking. Give him a treat and praise him when he stops barking to reward him for following your command.

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      Give the quiet command and then jingle a bag full of loud coins to distract your dog if the command alone does not get him to stop barking. Give him a treat and praise him when he stops barking. Continue this method of command followed by the distraction of jingling the coins until your dog responds to the quiet command alone.

    Barking When Left at Home Alone

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      Check your dog's environment to make sure he has enough stimulating toys, especially when leaving him alone for an extended period.

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      Keep your dog in a crate with his favorite toys when left alone.

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      Teach your dog to be comfortable in your absence by leaving for five minute periods, then returning, showing little emotion each time. Extend the period longer and longer as your dog becomes comfortable with your absence.

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      Give your dog a special treat, one that is only given when you are leaving, just before you go; this will keep him occupied and excited for the treat, training him to enjoy your absence.