How to Keep a Dog Out of a Sandbox

Sandboxes will provide hours of summertime entertainment for children and adults. Unfortunately, they also can be breeding grounds for bacteria, some of which may be deposited in the sandbox by dogs. Zoonotic diseases such as toxoplasmosis, salmonella and E. coli are spread by dogs and other animals, including raccoons and cats. They can contaminate the sand, which might be ingested by a child. Protecting your sandbox from wandering dogs will protect your children from possible infection.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic cover, tarp or plywood
  • Dog treats
  • Fence
  • White vinegar
  • Motion-detecting device
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    • 1

      Cover the sandbox with a plastic cover, a plastic tarp or a piece of plywood when it is not in use. This will prevent access to the sandbox for all animals, including the family dog.

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      Train the family dog to stay away from the sandbox. Each time the dog approaches the sandbox, say the word "No" in a firm voice. When the dog walks away, give it a treat and praise. Eventually the dog will learn that the sandbox is off limits.

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      Place the sandbox in a fenced-in area to prevent access by any stray dogs. This will allow your children to enjoy the sandbox without the threat of curious neighborhood animals, including cats, rabbits and raccoons.

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      Spray the ground around the sandbox and the edges of the unit with white vinegar. The vinegar will not harm the children and will keep dogs at bay.

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      Install motion-detecting devices near the sandbox and set them up so they will squirt water at an animal each time it approaches the sandbox. Use these in conjunction with covering the sandbox to teach neighborhood dogs to stay away from your sandbox, and your property.