How to Chase Waterdogs Out of Water

Your Spanish or Portuguese water dog has gone in the lake for a swim. The dog is swimming around, chasing things and enjoying the water. You decide to join the dog and play. Water dogs enjoy vigorous activity and are playful. However, like all dog breeds, too much vigorous activity at once saps energy and puts your dog at risk of drowning. After jumping in the water and playing with your dog, you feel the dog needs a break to eat and drink clean water. Since you are already in the lake, trail behind the dog and chase it out of the water.


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      Get in the water with your dog, if you were not in already. Make sure you are in an area of the lake where you are able to stand, and call the dog to you.

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      Stand behind the dog. Gently press your fingertips into the hindquarters of your dog and push it toward the shore.

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      Give the dog a command. As you push the dog, shout out a command such as "Get up to the shore." Keep your voice friendly and excited. The excitement in your voice gets the dog interested in following your command. Be sure to give the command loudly, with authority.

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      Keep pushing the dog with your fingertips until it swims faster toward the shore. Continue giving commands as you herd the dog toward land.

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      Tell the dog to stay on land. Once the dog reaches the shore, quickly follow and tell the dog to "stay" or "sit." Provide food and fresh water for the dog.