How to Raise a Yorkie

Getting a Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, puppy makes for an exciting moment. Yorkies are extremely intelligent, full of personality and great companions if raised properly. To raise a well-adjusted Yorkie, you need to understand what makes him tick and how to work with his natural instincts. Along with this, you will need a good working relationship with a veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Crate pad
  • Baby gate
  • Puppy food
  • Collar and leash
  • Puppy conditioning shampoo
  • Dog brush
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    • 1

      Prepare your home for your new puppy's arrival. Yorkie puppies are naturally inquisitive and will find themselves in a lot of trouble very quickly if you don't puppy-proof your home. Purchase a crate and bay gate to keep your Yorkie puppy confined when not under your direct supervision. Yorkie puppies should never have free run of the house when you aren't at home. Block access to items such as electrical cords, and remove anything that can be damaged by a curious puppy. These puppies are extremely small and can fit into tiny spaces, so be thorough.

    • 2

      Purchase supplies. Your Yorkie puppy will need a few things including food, toys, housebreaking pads, a crate, a crate pad, a baby gate, and a collar and leash. When purchasing dog food, try to stick with the brand that the breeder used, which can help reduce the chances the puppy will develop diarrhea. If that brand is unavailable, any name brand of puppy food will work as long as you stick with the "small bites" puppy formula.

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      Acquaint your puppy with his veterinarian within a week of bringing him home. According to Richard K. Davis, veterinarian and owner of Knoxville Animal Clinic in Knoxville, Tenn., your vet will need to perform a thorough examination of your puppy as well as administer vaccinations and deworming medications to protect him from disease and parasitic infection. You will be taking your Yorkie puppy to the veterinarian every three to four weeks for the first five months of his life to ensure he is properly protected from diseases. Your Yorkie will then need to visit your vet annually.

    • 4

      Locate a groomer and start taking your puppy regularly. Yorkies have long, fine hair that will need to be washed, brushed and trimmed frequently. Many Yorkie owners have a professional groomer attend to the trimming but prefer to brush and bathe the puppy at home. If you decide to do the bathing and brushing at home, purchase a conditioning shampoo designed for puppies and a dog brush. In any case, your puppy should be introduced to a regular grooming schedule early so he can become accustomed to the process.

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      Socialize your Yorkie. These are naturally friendly and exuberant puppies, but they can become reserved and aggressive as they age without proper socialization. After your puppy has received his vaccinations, begin taking him to public areas that allow dogs, and encourage people to interact with your puppy. This will help build his self-confidence and reduce the chances that he will become fearful or overly protective around strangers.

    • 6

      Begin obedience training early. Yorkies are small but extremely energetic and naturally curious. These tendencies can lead to your Yorkie becoming a tiny but terrible tyrant unless you set the boundaries. Yorkies are very intelligent, but many are less than eager to do your bidding, so patience and plenty of positive reinforcement are the keys to getting your Yorkie to engage in obedience training. Yorkies can be taught not only how to behave but also to perform a number of tricks.