How to Train Cocker Spaniels to Pee Outside

Begin toilet training your cocker spaniel at 8 weeks old to build good habits right from the beginning. At this stage the cocker spaniel's digestive system is easily stimulated, so the puppy will need to eliminate every two hours. The cocker spaniel is a breed that is generally eager to please, which means that it will respond quickly to toilet training. When training your dog to pee outside it is important that you do everything you can to set your cocker up for success.


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      Take your spaniel outside first thing in the morning and last thing at night, after meals and after energetic play sessions.

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      Choose an area of your backyard for the cocker spaniel to urinate, which is also out of the view of other dogs. Wait here for five minutes. If your cocker fails to urinate during this time, take it back inside and try again in five minutes. Introduce the phrase "go pee pee" when your dog does urinate in the desired place. Reward your cocker with a short play session to reinforce good behavior in this playful dog.

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      Say "no" in a firm tone of voice if you catch your dog eliminating inside the house. Quickly take the dog outside and then praise it if it manages to finish passing outside. Do not scold your cocker if you fail to catch it in the act of eliminating in the house as it will not understand the connection. Simply clean it up and forget about it.