How to Place a Plastic Dog Muzzle

Many dog owners use dog muzzles for training and behavioral conditioning for their dogs. And whether your dog needs to be muzzled for safety reasons, to prevent injury or something as common as being able to ride public transportation with your dog in many U.S. cities, knowing how to place a muzzle on your dog's head is vital for use. Dog muzzles come in many types and materials, and with the correct size and fitting method, you can successfully put a plastic muzzle on your canine companion.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Select a plastic muzzle that is the correct size for your dog. Check with the manufacturer of the muzzle for exact information on the size chart. You may need to take several measurements of your dog's head and nose in order to correctly select the appropriate size muzzle for your dog.

    • 2

      Bring your dog over to the muzzle and let him see it and smell it. This will help him get accustomed to the muzzle.

    • 3

      Give your dog his favorite treats when he is standing near the muzzle, and when he gets his treat, have him touch the muzzle. This will create a positive association for your dog with regards to the muzzle.

    • 4

      Stay relaxed and wait for your dog to relax completely.

    • 5

      Slip the muzzle over his nose and onto his head. The front of the plastic nose piece should be almost touching your dog's nose.

    • 6

      Fasten whatever straps are on the back of the plastic muzzle near the back of the dog's head. Make sure that it is not too loose so that the dog is unable to force it off and it can't slip off on its own. But make sure that it's not too tight on his head.