How to Put a Prong Collar on a Dog

Prong collars look like they would hurt your dog, but in reality they are safer than choke collars. The problem with prong collars is that people often place them on their dog incorrectly. Also, owners should use prong collars only for training. While you can leave a choke collar on your dog, you should take off a prong collar after a training session. Prong collars come in different sizes -- small, medium, large and extra large. Purchase the correct size for your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog
  • Prong collar
  • Leash
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    • 1

      Pinch one of the links on the collar. Pull up to unhook it.

    • 2

      Place the collar around the upper part of your dog's neck, under the chin. Squeeze the link you just unhooked and place one of the prongs inside the connector link. Squeeze the connector link until the two prongs fall into place.

    • 3

      See if the prongs you just connected line up. Adjust the collar if needed. Move the collar on the dog so that the prongs are facing inward, resting snugly but comfortably.

    • 4

      Attach your leash to either the swivel ring, the live ring, or to both the swivel ring and the stationery ring, creating a dead ring. The live ring provides more slack in the collar while the dead-ring position provides less. Try using just the live ring first; switch to the dead-ring position if your dog doesn't respond to the live-ring position.