How to Train a Dog in a Sling

Dogs are susceptible to illness and injuries that can affect their ability to stand up or walk around, such as spinal or neurological disorders. Dogs that otherwise have a good quality of life can be trained to get around with the help of their owner and a weight-bearing sling. The sight and feel of a sling can be scary for your dog, so a gradual, encouraging approach to training will make learning to get around a positive process.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Weight-bearing sling
  • Dog collar
  • Dog leash
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    • 1

      Introduce your dog to the sling. Place the sling near your dog and give treats and praise to your dog for investigating it by sniffing or nudging. This begins creating a positive association in your mind between the sling and feelings of happiness.

    • 2

      Place the sling over your dog's body without fastening it to acclimate your dog to the feeling of the sling. This is crucial because your dog can become fearful if you force it to accept the sling before it's ready.

    • 3

      Fasten the sling around your dog's body in the prescribed way. Don't try to lift or walk your dog, just allow a few minutes for it to acclimate to the feeling of the fastened sling.

    • 4

      Lift your dog's affected body area off the ground using the sling and give it praise and treats for reacting calmly.

    • 5

      Take small steps at a slow pace to encourage your dog to walk around with the sling's help, continuing to give praise and rewards.

    • 6

      Practice walking in a straight line with your dog in the sling, slowly increasing the pace of your walk as your dog's confidence grows. Moving in a straight line is a simple motion, and will allow your dog to focus on balancing before trying other movements.

    • 7

      Incorporate making turns, going up and down stairs, and using the bathroom while your dog wears the sling. These motions take practice and can depend on what your dog is capable of doing, such as bending, squatting or sitting. Progressing too quickly can cause your dog to fall and lose confidence.

    • 8

      Build up your dog's strength and endurance by practicing daily. Dogs with mobility problems can lose muscle strength. The increased movement with the sling will slowly recondition certain muscles.