How to Housetrain a Stubborn Dog

Some dogs realize immediately that you want them to do their business outside. But other dogs see nothing wrong with going in the house again and again, despite your best efforts. All dogs can be housetrained -- some just take a little longer than others. The important thing is being firm and consistent with your dog.


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      Use a crate to train your dog. The crate functions as a private room for the dog, and dogs rarely go to the bathroom in their own personal space. Whenever you leave the house, put the dog in the crate. Reward the dog each time he enters the crate.

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      Take the dog outside many times a day, well before he shows signs of having to go to the bathroom. A puppy needs to go out at least every two hours. This preventative action will give the dog fewer chances to have accidents in the house.

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      Always reward your dog when he does his business outside. Carry treats with you whenever you go out so you can react immediately.

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      Do not use newspaper to train the dog indoors. This will confuse the dog, because he will think that eliminating indoors is acceptable. Cover valuable parts of the floor with newspaper, but do not encourage your dog to go to the bathroom on it.

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      Look out for signs that the dog is about to go to the bathroom. If he suddenly puts his head down and sniffs vigorously, take him outside immediately.

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      If you catch your dog going to the bathroom inside, say "No!" in a firm voice and take the dog out immediately, then praise him.