How Can I Make a Yorkie Fetch?

Yorkies learn tricks easily and are usually able to pick up the simpler ones quickly. Teaching a Yorkie how to fetch actually entails teaching it a series of tricks. The dog needs to know how to accept the toy and hold it in it's mouth, run to pick it up, then return and release it. This sounds simple, and it really is, since most dogs love games that involve attention from their human! You will need to practice for a few days before your Yorkie successfully fetches the toy.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog toy
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Sit on the floor with your dog and hold its favorite toy in one hand. Keep some small treats nearby. Show the dog the toy, then throw it a short distance. When it goes after the toy, take it from its mouth. At the same time, give lots of praise and a treat.

    • 2

      Practice the "toss the toy" game, adding a new step. Use a word, such as "thanks," to cue the dog to release the toy. As you take the toy from its mouth, say the word you have chosen and provide the treat in it's place. Using a cue word will help your dog to connect giving up the toy with getting a treat. Practice this several times. As soon as your dog has learned to pick the toy up and release it to you, go to the next step.

    • 3

      Toss the toy a little farther. See if your dog goes after it and brings it back for its treat. If not, go back to the first step and practice some more.

    • 4

      Continue to practice the trick for a few minutes every day. Repeating the steps many times, along with the positive reinforcement of treats, will help the dog learn the desired behavior.

    • 5

      Try adding a new cue at the beginning of the game after your dog has become accomplished with its new skill. From then on, whenever you throw the toy, say something such as "Go get it" and your dog will be eager to play. You should also start decreasing the treats. The fetching game itself will become the treat.