How Do I House Train My Yorkie Puppy That Is About Ten Months Old?

House-training an older puppy may take some additional effort, particularly if the dog has been allowed to acquire any bad habits prior to bringing it into your home. Keep in mind that consistency is key. Even though the puppy is older, it is still learning a new skill. Also remember that rewards and praise help achieve quicker results. Yorkshire terriers are intelligent and tenacious. They are highly adaptable dogs, and one of the most preferred breeds in the world. With proper training, an older Yorkie will learn what is expected of it just as well as a younger one.


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      Confine your puppy to a designated area until it is house-trained, such as a kitchen or laundry room. It will be easier to clean up any accidents on a linoleum floor. Consider using a crate while potty training. They are useful tools, but not essential to success.

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      Choose an area for the designated "potty place." This can be indoors, such as having your puppy use a "pet loo," or an outdoor location. Take your puppy there on a regular schedule. A good rule of thumb is upon awakening, after eating and exercising, after napping and before bed. A puppy of 10 months is able to hold its bladder longer than a younger puppy, but will still need more frequent trips to the potty than an adult. After the puppy has used the same place a few times it will be attracted back by the odor.

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      Reinforce good behavior and successful trips to the potty with a treat, and some extra praise and attention. Never punish mistakes. If caught in the act, use a firm voice and the puppy's name, while telling it "No." If you do not catch the puppy in the act, simply clean up the accident and continue to be vigilant.

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      Practice makes perfect, so continue with the same steps until your Yorkie makes going to the potty area a habit. A few mistakes along the way are to be expected. Remain consistent and don't forget to praise appropriate behavior.