Ways to Keep Dogs Out of Garbage

The last thing a dog owner wants to come home to is a house covered in garbage. Specialty products and training methods are common ways to safely train your dog to stay away from the trash can. With a combination of proper dog training and owner responsibility, keeping your dog out of the trash can be successful task.
  1. Sprays

    • One way to keep dogs away from garbage cans is to spray the area around the can with some type of safe solution. Pet stores sell spray bottles of deterrent that gives off the taste of bitter apple, which dogs dislike. Consider lightly spraying the area surrounding the garbage can with an ammonia spray. Dogs do not like the smell of the ammonia so chances are they will steer clear of the area. Eventually they will associate the smell with the garbage cans and learn that it's not a good place to be hanging out.

    Training Devices

    • Consider investing in a training device that surprises the dog when he goes near the garbage can. The Snappy Trainer is a device that does not harm your dog, but gives him a scare that will distract him away from the garbage can. These devices, when placed around or inside the garbage can, will go off when the dog starts digging through the trash. The device springs up into the air with a loud snapping sound. Another training device to keep dogs out of the trash is the SSSCAT, which sends a blast of compressed air in the direction of the animal as they come into contact with the garbage can. The blast of air will scare the dog and become annoying as he is trying to get into the garbage can.

    Specialty Garbage Cans

    • Purchase specialty garbage cans to keep dogs out of the trash. Cans with snap-on lids or pedal-operated trash cans with metal lids are ideal for families with curious dogs. Choose a trash can that is designed to stay standing and not tip over very easily. If these specialty cans don't work, consider storing your trash can on a porch or bathroom away from the dog to avoid temptations.

    Discipline in Owner and Animal

    • Don't scream at your dog when he gets into the trash, but enforce constant training to keep a consistent method going. Speaking sternly when you catch him in the act is one way to discipline without using harsh tones. Never spank a dog for getting into the trash can, as he may bite in defense. You can assist in this training by removing trash bags containing food on a regular basis. Chances are if your dog smells meat in the trash can, he is going to want a taste of it.