How to Teach Dogs to Target on A-Frames

Teaching your dog to target is one of the most useful lessons it can learn. Targeting is the ability to approach and touch an object in a certain way. This usually begins by teaching the dog to target on your hand or a stick, which can then be used to point it to any object that you want it to target. This is useful in dog agility, as you can teach the dog to target on the A-frame by pointing at it with the target stick.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog
  • Clicker
  • Treats
  • Target stick
  • A-frame
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    • 1

      Teach the dog to target on your hand. This is done by rubbing a treat in your hands and letting the dog approach and touch your hand with its nose. As it does so, give the command "touch" followed by your usual reward signal, which may be a click from your clicker or a spoken "good boy," and a treat.

    • 2

      Repeat this several times, telling the dog to "touch" and moving your hand into different positions and angles. Each time the dog completes the task successfully, reward it.

    • 3

      Begin target stick training with a dowel or lightweight rod. Rub the stick with food the same way as you did your hand at the start of the training. When the dog moves towards it, show it the stick and as it touches it, give it the "touch" command and reward it.

    • 4

      Practice by moving the stick in different directions, asking the dog to "touch" it each time. Instruct the dog to stay while you move a short distance away and then give it the command to touch, making it necessary for it to walk towards the stick in order to touch it and receive its reward.

    • 5

      Use the stick to indicate the A-frame. Rub some food on a spot on the A-Frame that is easy for the dog to reach and touch. Reward the dog each time it touches the A-frame in response to your command.

    • 6

      Teach the dog to go up and over the A-frame by using the target stick to indicate various spots up the ramp ahead of the dog. If the dog is following the target stick correctly, it will run up the A-frame after the stick and over the other side.

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      Reward the dog each time it does the task correctly, either with a click, a treat or praise. Alternate the methods of reward so it does not always expect to get food.