How to Stop a Dog From Howling at Sirens

If your dog howls any time a siren sounds nearby, it is annoying to say the least. Not only is your day interrupted, but you also have to worry about incurring the wrath of your neighbors. Dogs may howl at passing sirens due to anxiety or simply because the noise is too loud. If the reason is due to anxiety, it is possible to train your dog to stop howling at sirens and other noises by using systematic desensitization and counter conditioning, or DSCC, a technique that changes a dog's underlying feelings and behaviors.

Things You'll Need

  • Siren noises
  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Play a siren noise quietly for a short period of time to help desensitize your dog to the sound.

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      Feed your dog a treat when you play the siren noise to help counter condition it to the sound. Pat the dog on the head and give it praise for not barking or howling.

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      Turn the sound of the siren noise up a little louder each time that you play it. Continue to give your dog treats to help condition it to the sound of the siren.

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      Stay relaxed when a real siren sounds that your dog can hear. Give your dog a treat during this time and pat it on the head to remind it of the counter conditioning.

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      Abstain from yelling at your dog, punishing it for howling or howling along with it. These behaviors do not help the dog quit howling. Continue with the positive desensitization and counter conditioning until your dog no longer howls.