How to Keep a Coon Dog From Treeing in a Hole

Coon dogs are bred for their hunting instincts. They hunt by "treeing" small prey, mainly raccoons, by chasing them up into a tree where the prey has no escape. The coon dog will stay by the base of the tree and bark at the raccoon until the hunter arrives to capture or shoot the prey. Sometimes the prey animal will run into a hole instead of up a tree, and this can be dangerous for the coon dog since it cannot turn around or see what is in the hole. Teaching your coon dog to avoid treeing in a hole is important for your dog's safety.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Electric training collar (static collar or citronella collar)
  • Dog treats
  • Restraint leash
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    • 1

      Dig a practice hole in the ground in your training area. Make the hole several feet deep and sloping downward, not straight down.

    • 2

      Place the training collar around your dog's neck.

    • 3

      Restrain your dog several feet away from the practice hole.

    • 4

      Throw a dog treat into the hole, allowing your dog to see it.

    • 5

      Release your dog and allow it to run several feet toward the practice hole.

    • 6

      Say a command such as "No Hole" or "Leave Hole" as your dog approaches the hole.

    • 7

      Use the training collar to correct your dog if it does not stop before reaching the hole.

    • 8

      Give your dog a treat as soon as it stops or turns to you instead. Offer lots of praise for ignoring the hole and listening to your command.

    • 9

      Repeat this process as many times as necessary, using several different practice holes in different areas.

    • 10

      Decrease the frequency of use of the training collar correction as your dog begins to respond to your voice command or avoid the hole on its own without direction.