How to Train Your Boxer Dog Not to Knock You Down or Tackle You in Your Own Home

Boxer dogs are fun loving and affectionate and make wonderful pets. With this exuberant nature, however, comes an immense amount of energy that needs to be controlled. Boxers are notorious for tackling people, and though it is most probably in play, they are large dogs that can startle people and even knock them down. An untrained boxer dog can be more of a hassle than a delight, so it is vital that you start training from an early age.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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      Discuss the rules with the other members of the household. If you do not all do the same things to discipline your boxer, then he will be confused and not understand when he is doing something wrong.

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      Giving a treat or attention to your boxer after he has jumped up on someone will confuse him and make him think that he is being praised. Scold him and ignore him if he jumps up.

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      Teach your boxer to sit and stay. These are vital commands that must be taught from an early age. If you are not firm in teaching these basic commands, then your dog will think it is fine to take on the dominant role.

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      Tell a friend or family member to go outside of the house and ring the doorbell. When the doorbell rings, tell your boxer to sit and stay. If he obeys, then give him a treat and attention. If he jumps up on the person, then they must firmly say "no" and proceed to ignore him by turning their back.

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      Ask the visitor to walk all the way through the house. While they are walking, tell your boxer to sit and stay. If he obeys, then give him praise. If he jumps up at the person, then repeat "no" a stern tone and ignore him.

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      Repeat the above steps until your boxer is fully trained.