Clever Ways to Stop a Neighbor's Barking Dog

Try to determine the cause of why your neighbor's dog is barking. Dogs bark for many reasons. Some dogs bark when they feel threatened or lonely. Other dogs bark when they are hungry or uncomfortable, such as being wet or cold. By understanding why the dog is barking, you can come up with a way to help curb the dog's barking. If you have tried to communicate with your neighbor with little luck, take matters into your own sneaky hands.
  1. Video Taping

    • Video tape your neighbor's barking dog for an extended period of time, such as 45 minutes to an hour. Send the video to authorities or post it online on a popular website such as After putting the video online, send a link along with a complaint via email to city authorities. Usually, you can find helpful email addresses on your city's website. By making your problem public, you are more likely to get results from your neighbor. If simple complaints from you were making no difference, go to your local police force or animal control for assistance.

    Keep A Log

    • Start a notebook that lists dates and times of the excessive dog barking that you are witness to. After you have a substantial log of 2 to 3 weeks or even a month, talk to other neighbors to see if the barking is bothering them. Odds are, if the barking is disturbing you, it's also disturbing others. Ask your neighbors to sign the log and bring it to your local authorities so that they can take care of the problem.

    Secret Training

    • Train the dog in secret. If you hear the dog barking, approach the dog and firmly say, "no barking." If the dog listens, praise him. Continue the phrase until the dog stops, as consistency is the key to successful dog training. Repeat this process whenever you notice that the dog is barking excessively. Once the dog begins to listen to you, you may be able to train the dog to respond to signals to quiet down as opposed to vocal commands.


    • Buy a dog silencer. Some silencers can work from up to 75 feet away. Every time the dog begins to bark, activate the silencer with your remote control. A shrill noise will sound that is audible to dogs but not humans. Once the dog recognizes that the sound starts every time she barks, she may begin to bark less or cease to bark altogether.