Where to Go
Older pets may prefer a shaded elimination zone. Designate a place you would like the Dachshund to relieve himself. The spot should be free of distractions, such as a neighboring dog. Try locating several areas you wish your Dachshund to use as elimination zones. This will give you alternative places to walk your pet, and give your pet different options as well.
When to Go
Taking a leisurely stroll will help your pet relax and eliminate outdoors. Walk your dog to the designated spot frequently, especially following a meal. Pets are more likely to eliminate following a meal, so be ready to take your Dachshund for a quick stroll after dinner. Allow your pet 10 minutes to find a suitable area. If he hasn't relieved himself by then, take him back inside and wait no more than 30 minutes before trying again.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement with treats is an ideal way to reward your pet. Praise him for a job well done immediately following his success. Do not offer praise during the act, as this may startle your pet from completing its business. Carry a few treats in your pocket to offer your pet when he has successfully eliminated in the designated area. Scold your pet if he has an accident indoors, but never use violence as punishment. Hitting your Dachshund will create a fearful animal, that will ultimately be unwilling to do as you ask.
When You're Away From Home
Always begin training your Dachshund as a puppy, Crate train your Dachshund. Starting as a puppy, place your Dachshund in the crate whenever you are unable to supervise him. Immediately upon returning home, take your pet for a walk to reinforce your desire for him to use the designated elimination zone.