How to Train Your Dog to Ignore Outside Distractions

Even though most dogs are well-behaved, outside distractions, such as another dog or animal, can turn them from obedient to unruly. This can be quite frustrating for a dog owner, but it is possible to train your dog to ignore outside noises and distractions and maintain his calm behavior. It won't happen overnight, however. The training process requires patience and consistency.


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      Begin working with the familiar basics of obedience that your dog already knows. Use commands such as sit and stay when a distraction presents itself. As the dog progresses, more complex commands can be added to reinforce calm behavior.

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      Set up a training exercise where an outside distraction is presented in a nonthreatening manner. If a dog perceives a distraction as a threat, he will respond with agitated and unruly behavior. Do not use the same type of distraction for each training session. This way, the dog will learn to stay calm during a variety of situations.

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      Use a clicker to keep your dog's attention if he gets distracted by an outside influence. Praise the dog when he responds to the clicker. The dog will learn to see the clicker as a reminder to focus on the owner to receive instructions. Eventually the dog will automatically focus on the owner and ignore the distraction, and the clicker will no longer be necessary. Use a treat or a favorite toy as a reward for good performance so the dog will stay motivated during training.

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      Exhibit a positive attitude at all times. Dogs pick up on the attitudes of their owners and react to them. Be kind and gentle, but firm, when your dog responds positively to the obedience lesson.