Free Potty-Training Tips for Female Pit Bull Puppies

A new puppy in the house can disrupt routines and cause havoc --- especially if she isn't potty trained. Make a commitment to potty train your new pit bull as soon as you bring her home. Training also requires a commitment from you to remain consistent in always taking her outside.
  1. Watch Her

    • Watch the dog closely for signs she has to go to the bathroom, and keep her near you at all times. Signs she has to go outside include sniffing or squatting. When you can't watch her, put her in a crate or a penned place. Confinement makes it easier to pick up accidents and also makes her less likely to have accidents because she won't want to sleep and live in her own urine or feces.

    Be Consistent

    • Take her to the same place outside each time so she knows where she is supposed to go. Designate a special place for her to go every time from the day you bring her home. Wait until she goes. Leave her outside in that spot for several moments. This routine makes it easier for her to learn while also making it easier for you to clean up. Also be consistent in grabbing her as soon as she starts to show signs.


    • Put her outside immediately if she has an accident inside. Refrain from screaming at her or rubbing her nose in it. Clean up the accident immediately so the smell of her own scent doesn't tempt her to have more accidents. Cleaning up by dabbing cool water on the spot until the urine is gone is the easiest way to clean up her accidents. As a puppy, she'll inevitably have a few accidents; be prepared when bringing her home.

    Other Tips

    • If possible, put her on a schedule as soon as possible by taking her outside at the same time each day. For example, take her out as soon as you wake up in the morning to make it easier for her to learn. Stick to that schedule as much as possible. Using praise words such as "good dog" after taking her outside and giving her a pat on the head will reinforce good potty behaviors.