How to Stop a Dog From Peeing & Pooping on the Bed

If you come home to find that your dog has peed or pooped in your bed, then you may have a behavioral issue to address. If he is a puppy, the solution is simple: contain him until he is reliably house trained. However, if you are dealing with an adult dog, you must identify and treat the underlying cause.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • Doggie diapers (optional)
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      Manage the behavior by denying your dog access to the bed, then begin to diagnose and correct it.

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      Practice leadership with your dog. Sometimes dogs will attempt to be the leader of your "pack," especially if you won't take on this role. Do not let him sleep on the bed, at least until you have established yourself as the leader; make him sit and wait until you release him before meals and before going outside; and make him work for treats or toys by sitting first.

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      Put your dog on a strict schedule, making sure he goes outside regularly to eliminate and treating him when he does. If you are gone longer than few hours, for example to work, ask a neighbor or friend to let your dog out.

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      Feed your dog at the same times during the day, rather than allowing free feeding. Always take him out immediately after a meal.

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      Watch for signs that your dog needs to go out. Whining or pacing could be signs, as well as standing at the door. Let him out and praise him for letting you know.

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      Reward your dog after he eliminates outside to reinforce this behavior.