How to Train a Staffy

The Staffordshire bull terrier is affectionately called a staffy. The staffy is known for its intelligence, muscular build and high energy level. Since the staffy has bulldog characteristics, it is also known for its stubborn, headstrong and authoritative nature. As a result, your staffy may become quite aggressive. If your staffy is a family pet that spends time around infants or children, for instance, that aggression may pose a problem. However, there are training methods that will turn your staffy into a well-mannered companion.

Things You'll Need

  • Clicker
  • Dog treats
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      To ensure proper canine socialization, your staffy must stay with its mother for at least 8 weeks. As your staffy gets older, make sure it continues interacting with other dogs. This socialization reduces the staffy̵7;s aggression toward other dogs.

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      Employ clicker training. Purchase a clicker from your local pet store. The clicker gives off a strong, sharp sound at up to a 20-foot distance. Give your staffy a task such sitting or rolling over. Sound off the clicker when the task is performed and immediately give your staffy a dog treat. Repeat this 2 to 3 times with each task. Soon your staffy will associate the clicker sound with a specific command and reward.

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      Introduce verbal commands. You can transition from clicker training to verbal commands. Say a command such as ̶0;sit.̶1; By this point, your staffy will sit because it knows a click and a reward will follow. Instead of using the clicker give your staffy a reward. Repeat this 2 to 3 times for each command.

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      Exercise your staffy on a regular basis. While walking or jogging keep your staffy on a leash. Make sure the staffy walks beside you. Don̵7;t let your staffy do anything without your permission, such as sniff objects. Keeping the staffy on a leash shows the staffy you̵7;re in control.