How to Make Your Pitbull Puppy Stronger

The pit bull is a dog stuck with the reputation of being potentially aggressive or mean, perhaps due to the breed's impressive jaws and muscles. The animal was bred primarily to hunt larger animals and was eventually trained to take down bulls. Because of this specific purpose, it was bred for its more aggressive and assertive traits. But the dog's bad reputation is often a misnomer; usually the result of insufficient training or outright negligence. Proper training brings out the positive attributes many fans of the breed have come to love. If you're training a pit bull for hunting or other farm work, it's important that the animal be well-conditioned and strong.


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      Feed your pit bull puppy a high quality, high protein diet with at least 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat. Follow the guidelines for the puppy's weight. Feeding a puppy two or three times a day, dividing the daily portion up accordingly, will ensure proper digestion. Pit bulls are naturally muscular and protein is important to building muscles.

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      Exercise your pit bull puppy daily outside. It is not necessary to put a puppy on a leash at a young age, especially if you have a fenced-in area where it can play. The puppy needs to run at full speed throughout the day in order to gain strength. Play games with your pup to help them use up extra energy. Kongs, hanging tires and other sturdy chew toys exercise its muscles and give it something to chew.

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      Encourage your puppy to go over and under obstacles such as logs, rocks or other items you may have in your yard. This helps it build muscles, as well as speed and agility. Pit bulls are adept jumpers, so agility exercises are important.

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      Vaccinate your dog according to the schedule recommended by your veterinarian. Vaccination keeps your dog from contracting diseases, particularly if it encounters other dogs while on walks or at the dog park.

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      Play games with your puppy, like tug of war or catch. Exercise like this conditions its muscles and keeps the animal agile.