How to Correctly Discipline Your Puppy When He Chews on Things

Chewing is an instinctive behavior for puppies. They chew to relieve pain in their mouth as their adult teeth grow in. They chew to strengthen their jaws and clean their teeth. Puppies also chew for mental stimulation. It gives them a way to occupy their minds and practice instinctive behaviors. Punishing your puppy for chewing on your furniture, clothes or belongings can confuse him, cause him to fear you and lead to other behavior problems such as aggression. Positive reinforcement training uses a method of correction that allows you to end the behavior, teach your puppy that chewing on your things is not appropriate and avoid hurting or frightening your puppy.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Dog toys
  • Bones or chews
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      Keep your belongings put away and out of reach. This may not be possible with furniture, but keep your dirty laundry in a basket or closet, pick up the children's toys and put your shoes or slippers away. Remove the temptation to chew these items from your puppy entirely.

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      Interrupt your puppy when you catch him chewing on something that isn't his. Whistle, clap or use a tin can filled with coins to make noise and get his attention. Speak the words "leave it" as you do. This interruption is your initial correction. You will eventually be able to stop the noise and simply say "leave it" to get your puppy to stop chewing.

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      Reward your puppy for leaving the object. Praise him and pet him to let him know that you are pleased that he listened to your correction and stopped chewing on your things.

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      Give your puppy an object of his own to chew on immediately after he turns his attention away from the forbidden object. Keep different toys, chews and bones on hand at all times, so that your puppy does have another way to fulfill his need to chew. Reward your puppy with another treat and more excited praise when he begins chewing on his own item instead. This will show him that he can chew on some things (his things) but not on others.