Animals That Balance on a Ball

The Internet contains a host of videos of animals balancing on balls. While this seems like a difficult feat for beast or man, adept training can give animals the skills to roll a ball around while standing on top of it. The smaller and more nimble the animal, the easier the time it will have to master this adorable trick.
  1. Dogs and Cats

    • Small dogs are easier to train to balance on balls, as they are more agile and quicker on their feet. Larger dogs will need larger balls and will be more difficult to place on top of the ball. Even though cats seem to like to do their own thing, they can still be trained to balance on a ball.

    Circus Animals

    • Many circus animals can be trained to balance on a ball including elephants, lions and tigers and bears. Some animal rights activists are disturbed that large animals are forced to perform such feats because they are often trained to do so by being prodded and beaten.


    • Trained birds like parrots and parakeets can teeter atop a ball, as seen in the You Tube video "Peach Face Love Bird Balancing on the Ball Trick."

    Other Animals

    • With the right amount of training many other animals could balance on balls, including rats, mice, hamsters and ferrets.