How to Teach a Dog to Defecate in One Spot

While most people know how to house-break their dogs, they do not know that they can train their dogs to defecate in one spot. Containing your dog's mess to one area has its benefits. First, your children can play in the yard without fear of stepping in it. Second, it will be easier for you to clean up if you don't have to hunt for it. Giving your dog a designated bathroom area will also keep it from using your garden or flower beds.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
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    • 1

      Mark your dog's bathroom spot clearly. Use a two-foot fence, decorative rocks or bricks to set the area apart from the rest of your yard. Leave an opening for your dog to enter and exit the area freely.

    • 2

      Walk your dog to its bathroom area on a leash each time it goes outside. Wait for it to defecate in the area, which might take a long time in the beginning, and then reward it with praise and treats. Use phrases like "Do it" or "Bathroom" until the dog associates these words with defecating. Later, these phrases can help speed up the process because your dog will know what is expected. Do this for at least two weeks.

    • 3

      Attach your dog to a longer (5- to 6-foot) tie-out cable so that it has more freedom to roam the yard. Accompany it outside and wait for it to go to the bathroom. If it goes directly to its bathroom spot, praise and reward it for using the correct place. If not, interrupt it and guide it to the bathroom spot. Reward it for completing its business there. Do this for a week or two.

    • 4

      Go outside with your dog off leash. Wait for it to use its bathroom spot. If it does, praise and reward it. If it starts to defecate in the wrong spot, interrupt it with a clap and show it to the designated bathroom area. Reward your dog for going in that location instead. Try this for a week or two to get your dog in the habit of using the bathroom area even when it is not on a leash.

    • 5

      Stay inside, but keep an eye on your dog when you let it out. Reward it for defecating in the correct place. If it makes a mistake, interrupt it and show it the correct area. Do this until you are confident that your dog will use the bathroom area every single time.