How to Train a Puppy in the Snow

Training a puppy to go potty outside takes about a month's worth of patience, consistency and praise. All dogs want to please their owners, and if you reward their good behavior with loads of praise and playtime, they will quickly get the idea that going potty outside is a good thing. If it happens to snow in the midst of puppy training, you will need to create a snow-free zone for the small puppy to use.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel or broom
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      Shovel snow away from the designated potty area, or use a broom. You should also shovel a path leading to the potty area, since puppies are short, and can't maneuver through too much snow.

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      Take the puppy outside to get him accustomed to walking in snow. Play with him while in the snow so he will see that snow can be fun.

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      Set up a consistent routine. Walk the puppy on a leash to the designated potty area first thing in the morning, last thing at night and after every meal. Always use the same door to access the potty area. Do not carry the puppy, as they need the walking motion to jiggle their insides and get them ready to go potty. Puppies should go out once every hour until they get are able to better control their bladders.

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      Use a command such as "hurry poops," "hurry up" or "go pee-pee." Stand still once you get to the designated area and let the puppy circle. Reward the puppy with ample praise and a treat if he goes in the potty area. Give the dog three to five minutes to do his business. If he doesn't go in that amount of time, take him back inside to a confined area of the house and try again in one hour.

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      Clean up any accident sites in the home with a product that will eliminate the odor. Never yell at the dog or push his nose in the mess.

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      Learn the signals that your puppy gives to show he needs to potty. Sniffing the floor, standing by the door, whimpering or barking at the door are all signs that he needs to potty. Put the dog on a leash quickly, don your coat and head outside.