How to Train Your Dog to Be Agile

Many dog owners use agility training with their dogs. Agility training is a type of training where dogs complete an obstacle course. Agility training is not only a fun exercise for dogs, it is an effective method to improve your dog's mental capacity. Some owners may want to train their dog in order to take part in an agility competition. Agility training takes patience and practice but it is an enjoyable activity for dogs and owners.


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      Determine if your dog is physically able to take part in agility training. Some dogs are not naturally suitable for such training and you don't want to cause injury or frustration with your dog. Check with your veterinarian before beginning agility training.

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      Enroll your dog in basic obedience training or teach him yourself. Obedience training is important so that your dog learns to follow commands.

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      Teach your dog more advanced commands. Before beginning agility training, you should teach your dog commands such as "Fast," "Slow," "Right," and "Left." This will help you guide your dog on the agility course.

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      Purchase equipment or find an agility course in your community. There are many obstacles that you can buy to train your dog but start out with just a couple. A hoop is a good inexpensive first training tool.

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      Hold the hoop at ground level and encourage your dog to walk through the hoop. Reward your dog with praise or a treat when he complies.

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      Raise the hoop three inches off the floor after your dog is comfortable walking through it. Reward your dog when done.

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      Continue to raise the hoop slowly until your dog is able to jump through the hoop.

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      Repeat the training with other obstacles like dog walks and short hurdles. Teach your dog the obstacle and reward him when he completes it.