Things You'll Need
- Dog treats
Sit in front of your puppy and say his/her name. When he/she looks at you, praise him/her while holding eye contact. Keep your hands at your sides to avoid additional distraction. After he/she has maintained his/her focus for several seconds, reward him/her with a treat. Remember, your puppy will be easily distracted, so when his/her attention wanders, just bring him/her back and repeat the steps. Don't overdo the exercise, but try to keep him/her focused on you for a little longer each time. Once you have been able to hold the puppy's attention for 10 to 15 seconds, move on to the next lesson.
Kneel in front of your puppy and have him/her sit. Say "lie down" and place a treat under his/her nose while slowly bringing it to the ground. Your puppy will end up in the lying position as he/she follows the treat. Reward him/her with the treat and a lot of praise. Make sure his/her forearms are flat to the ground. After awhile, your puppy will remember what you want him/her to do and will lie down when you say the command.
Approach your puppy after he/she has obeyed your command to lie down. Say "Roll over," and then gently assist by pushing him/her from one side to the other until he/she has completely rolled over. Be sure to do this slowly so you don't frighten the puppy. After he/she has completed the roll, praise him/her lavishly and give the puppy a treat. Practice the trick once or twice more, then go on to something else and come back to it later.